NAME OF THE PUBLICATION | «Педагогический диалог», «Педагогикалық диалог», «Pedagogical dialogue»
TYPE OF PUBLICATION | Information and methodical journal for educators of the Republic of Kazakhstan Issued since 2012 |
OWNER | “Center of Excellence” private entity |
REGISTRATION | 08/06/2012 Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee of Information and Archives. Certificate of registration of a periodical “Педагогический диалог”, “Педагогикалық диалог”, “Pedagogical Dialogue” №12804-Ж |
ISSN CODE | 28/06/2013 National State Book Chamber, ISSN National Centre. The journal is registered in the International Centre for the registration of serial publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France), international ISSN number 2308–7668. (ISO 3297–98 “Information and documentation. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)” International Standard GOST 7.56-2002 “International Standard Serial Numbering”). |
PUBLICATION LANGUAGE | Kazakh, Russian, English |
PERIODICITY | quarterly |
PRIMARY GOAL | Dissemination of ideas of the best international and Kazakhstani educational practices based on the results of modern pedagogical research. |
TARGET AUDIENCE | scholars, researchers, education experts, methodologists, teachers of pre-school, secondary, technical and professional, higher and postgraduate and additional educational organizations. |
2. “Research in practice” Publications reflecting the results of Action Research (own practice research) and Lesson study conducted by teachers of educational organizations. 3. Information leaflets, advertisements, announcements. |
REVIEWING | Organization of reviewing A review is an evaluative analysis of a scientific, scientific and methodical article submitted for publication in the journal. The review is mainly an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the material, a brief reproduction of the author’s views and a scientifically substantiated reviewer’s attitude to the main ideas of the author and their interpretation following the reviewer’s beliefs. The review is obligatory as the main document of the expertise conducted by the editorial board to determine whether the material corresponds to the scientific and thematic orientation of the journal. The journal “Pedagogical Dialogue” accepts a one-sided “blind” review (the author does not know the name of the reviewer). The reviewer is guided by the code of ethics of scientific publications: confidentiality, objectivity, impartiality, clarity and reasonableness of their opinion and observance of the principle of recognition of primary sources. The main criteria for evaluating an article manuscript are:
The form of the review is presented in Appendix. The reviewer should determine the compliance of the material presented in the article with the profile and subject of the journal; briefly describe the problem the article deals with; assess the degree of relevance, originality and significance of the results obtained, compliance with modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought, accessibility in terms of language, style, arrangement of material, clarity of tables, charts, figures and formulas; note the positive aspects as well as the drawbacks of the article. In addition to the content of the material, the quality of the presentation will be assessed as well: the volume of the article, availability and informativeness of the abstract and keywords in Kazakh, Russian and English and availability of the list of references and footnotes in the text. The review will give recommendations on the advisability of publishing the submitted article or on the need to improve it on the basis of the presented remarks. If the review contains an indication of the need for revisions and corrections, the manager sends the text of the review to the author with a proposal to take them into account in the preparation of a new version of the article. The article revised by the author is re-submitted for review and consideration in the general order. The article that is not recommended for publication by the reviewer will not be accepted for reconsideration. The period of reviewing in each case should be sufficient for a qualitative analysis of the submitted material and prompt publication of the article. |
PUBLICATION ETHICS | The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of Kazakhstan’s scientific periodicals and supports the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications, formulated by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The editorial board is responsible for making the decision to publish, taking into account the current legal requirements regarding copyright, legality and plagiarism. The editorial board evaluates the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the nationality, gender and citizenship of the authors. The editorial board does not disclose information about the accepted manuscript to third parties, except for the authors, reviewers and scientific advisors, without the need to do so. Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for review may not be used for any other purpose without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained in the course of reviewing and related to possible advantages must be kept confidential. Editors should inquire of the co-editor if there are conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relationships with authors and possibly other organizations related to the manuscript. The editors respond adequately to ethical concerns about the manuscripts reviewed or the material published. Such measures generally include interaction with the authors of the manuscript and allow for interaction with relevant organizations and research centers. The Editorial Board has the right to independently:
Postprint – a scientific article that has passed the peer-review procedure and is officially published scientific material. A postprint includes both the author's manuscript of a scientific publication and the editorial work of the publisher – formatting and preparation of the manuscript for printing. 6. Legal basis of the editorial policy The right of authorship belongs to the article authors. Exclusive rights to use the materials of the journal “Pedagogical Dialogue” belong to the PE “Center of Excellence” as the founder and publisher. Reprinting materials in whole or in part, undertaken for educational or research purposes, is possible only with reference to the output data of the journal with the obligatory indication of the copyright holder and the names of the authors of articles. When creating new, creatively independent works on the basis of articles published in the journal, quoting or translating fragments of articles to cite them, it is necessary to refer to the original sources in compliance with the rules of citation. 7. Professional Code Editorial staff members are guided by the following professional principles when preparing publications:
The policy of the journal’s editorial board is based on the modern requirements for copyright, legality and plagiarism outlined in the law and the ethical principles supported by the community of leading scientific periodicals publishers. Considering reviewing as the most important link in ensuring the exchange of scientific information, the editorial board imposes requirements on reviewers for confidentiality, objectivity, impartiality, clarity and argumentativeness of their opinion and observance of the principle of recognition of primary sources. The editorial board expects the authors proposing their materials for publication in the journal to adhere to the following principles:
presentation as co-authors of all participants who made a significant contribution to the research. The journal may publish advertising materials on advanced technologies and achievements in the field of education, informational messages about significant events and scientific conferences. |
VOLUME OF THE JOURNAL | The total volume of one issue of the journal is 130 pages. The contents of the sections are not strictly limited and may vary from issue to issue. |
THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PRESENTING INFORMATION IN THE PUBLICATION | Relevance of the topic: information about events, processes, and phenomena significant for the current moment. Relevance to the thematic focus of the journal: the journal has its own area of interest, within which it considers, reviews and publishes articles of each issue. Analytical approach: emphasis on considering the current and prospective state of the selected problems. Applied nature: orientation not only on fundamental data but also on the results of research, proven experimentally. Transparency (openness): the submitted article should not be previously published, accepted or sent for review to another journal; the abstract of the article should reflect the main content of the whole article; the article should have a clear structure and logic; the authors of the article should refer to authoritative and reliable sources, follow the citation style of the journal. Authoritativeness and credibility: the information provided will be evaluated by a professional audience of readers, so it must be quite correct. Constructive presentation: discussion of problems based on facts and balanced opinions, as well as examples of constructive experience in solving problems in the process of training. Author’s narrative: the publication does not allow reprints of material already published in other media. Compliance with the requirements of the publication: materials should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Editorial Board. Recognition of primary sources Contributions by others to the author’s research should always be acknowledged in the form of references to scholarly sources that influenced the execution and results of the proposed work for publication. Data obtained privately, such as through conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, should not be used or presented without written permission from the primary source. Information obtained from confidential sources, such as manuscript evaluations or grants, also may not be used without the written permission of the authors of the work related to confidential sources. Authorship of the publication Only persons who have made a significant contribution to the conception of the study, its design, execution or interpretation of the results can be co-authors of the publication. All significant contributors to the study must agree on the composition of the co-authorship team, and all co-authors must read and approve the final version of the publication. |
FORMAT | Digital print 60х84/8 |
070000, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Esil district, Hussein bin Talal st., 21/1
Private entity “Center of Excellence” AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, Department of Publishing and Image Support
Tel.: 8 (7172) 235744
E-mail: ped.dialogue@cpm.kz
Subscription for information and methodical journal “Pedagogical Dialogue” to get a printed copy of issues is available through the national postal operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Kazpost” JSC.
Subscription index 76195 in the electronic catalogue of “Kazpost” JSC.