History of founding
On June 15, 2011, the Center of Excellence of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (CoE) was established. The new format of advanced training for teachers in Kazakhstan is in demand in the country and is of great interest in the world.
There are 15 branches in all regions of the country.
To use the best home and world experience, human and methodological resources to organize the continuous professional growth of teachers in order to improve the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
To be the leading organization on matters of teachers’ professional growth and actively promote educational services in the international market.
Our achievements

Pedagogical Dialogue, the journal of the Center of Excellence NIS, has been published jointly with the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge since 2012. Publication frequency is four times a year. The journal is published in print and electronic forms and accepts materials for publication on a free basis.
The printed version of the journal is published in a limited edition. Delivery of the journal by mail is carried out through “Kazpost” JSC. Journal website: https://www.pd.cpm.kz
The owner of the journal is the PE “Center of Excellence” NIS. Certificate of registration №12804-Ж with the Committee of Information and Archives of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.06.2012.
The journal is published in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
It has its own international standard serial number ISSN 2308-7668.
The “Pedagogical Dialogue” journal publishes scholarly articles in the following areas:
- Leadership and management in education
- International cooperation
- Digital Education
- Professional development of educators
- Research at school
- Teaching and learning in school
- Upbringing and well-being of schoolchildren
- Inclusive education
Target audience
This information and methodical publication is for teachers of secondary education organizations, researchers, analysts and practitioners of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, research institutes, analytical and public educational organizations, as well as a wide range of readers interested in problems of development of education in modern society.
Publication terms
Journal issue | Reception of articles | Consideration of articles | Publication of the journal |
№ 1 | until February 13 | 14–28 February | March |
№ 2 | until May 15 | 16–31 May | June |
№ 3 | until August 14 | 15–31 August | September |
№ 4 | until November 13 | 14–30 November | December |