Kulyash Shamshidinova
Kulyash ShamshidinovaHonoured teacher of Kazakhstan, Honorary Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)
David Marsh
David MarshPhD, FRSA, EduCluster Finland University of Jyväskylä group (Finland)
Howard Youngs
Howard YoungsPh.D., School of Education, Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)
Sayasat Nurbek
Sayasat NurbekMinister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Sholpan Karinova
Sholpan KarinovaEducator of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Toshiya Chichibu
Toshiya ChichibuProfessor, National Institute of Educational Policy Research (Japan)
Elaine Wilson
Elaine WilsonPhD, Homerton College, University of Cambridge (UK)
Svetlana Ispussinova
Svetlana IspussinovaEducator of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Simon Brownhill
Simon BrownhillEdD, School of Education, Bristol University (United Kingdom)
Nazipa Ayubayeva
Nazipa AyubayevaPhD, Deputy Chairperson of the Executive Board of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Aigul Kazzhanova
Aigul KazzhanovaEducator of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zhanbota Kabdykarimova
Zhanbota KabdykarimovaDirector of the Center of Excellence of “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” AEO (Kazakhstan)
Howard Erl Gardner
Howard Erl GardnerPh.D., Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University (USA)
Dominic Wyse
Dominic WysePhD, University College London, Institute of Education (UK)
Colleen McLaughlin
Colleen McLaughlinPhD, University of Cambridge (UK)
Rauan Kenzhekhanuly
Rauan KenzhekhanulyMBA, Director of the “Bilim Media Group” LLP (Kazakhstan)
Peter Dudley
Peter DudleyPhD, Honorary secretary of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Victoria Shimanskaya
Victoria ShimanskayaPhD, Business trainer, co-founder of SKILLFOLIO (Russia)
Darius Radkevicius
Darius RadkeviciusDirector of “UAB Rgrupe” publishing house (Lithuania)
Rizagul Syzdykbayeva
Rizagul SyzdykbayevaDirector of the Department of International Comparative Research, “Information-analytic center” JSC (Kazakhstan)
Isak Froumin
Isak FrouminDoctor of Pedagogy, Professor, “Higher School of Economics” National Research University (Russia)
Alun Williams
Alun WilliamsEducational Consultant (UAE)
Saule Akhmetbekova
Saule AkhmetbekovaCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior manager of the Publishing and Image Support Department of the Center of Excellence (Kazakhstan)
Joshua Konrad
Joshua KonradAssistant Principal of Quail Valley Elementary School (United States)
Dinara Ualkenova
Dinara UalkenovaDirector of Students Well-being Department of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
George Uduigwome
George UduigwomePh.D., Assistant Principal of Mesquite Elementary School (United States)
Larissa Obydenkina
Larissa ObydenkinaDirector of the Center of Excellence branch in Uralsk (Kazakhstan)
Roza Suleimenova
Roza SuleimenovaDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, General Director of “The Center for Social Adaptation and Labor Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Mental and Physical Disabilities″ (SATR Center) (Kazakhstan)
Kadisha Shalgynbayeva
Kadisha ShalgynbayevaDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyev (Kazakhstan)
Ger Graus
Ger GrausProfessor, Dr, OBE, Global Education Advisor, founding CEO of the Children’s University (United Kingdom)
Mahipaul Dayaram
Mahipaul DayaramOntario certified teacher, IGCSE coordinator, International School Tokyo (Canada)
Aida Amirova
Aida AmirovaSpecialist of the Department of Analytics, Monitoring and Evaluation of JSC “Information and Analytical Center” (Kazakhstan)
Irina Ausheva
Irina AushevaProfessor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior manager of the Analysis and Monitoring Department of the Center of Excellence of “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” AEO (Kazakhstan)
Zhaniya Opanova
Zhaniya OpanovaSenior Manager of the Center of Excellence branch in Petropavl (Kazakhstan)
Tim Oates
Tim OatesPhD, group director of Assessment Research and Development, Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom)
Botagoz Akhmetova
Botagoz AkhmetovaPhD in biology, leading scientific expert of the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin (Kazakhstan)
Gainelgazy Adilgazinov
Gainelgazy AdilgazinovEdD, professor, director of the Methodology, Monitoring and Quality Assurance Department of the “Independent Kazakhstan Center of Accreditation” (Kazakhstan)
Farida Zhunusova
Farida ZhunusovaSenior manager of the Methodological Work Department Center of Excellence of the “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” AEO (Kazakhstan)
Lyudmila Kolesova
Lyudmila KolesovaCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior manager of the Pedagogic Staff Assessment and Attestation Department of the branch “Center for Pedagogical Measurements” under AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Ainur Kaliyeva
Ainur KaliyevaTeacher of Kazakh language and literature at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology, compiler of tasks for language monitoring (Kazakhstan)
Singh Chandan Pal
Singh Chandan PalPhysics Teacher at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Shymkent (Kazakhstan)
Baimurat Akhmetov
Baimurat AkhmetovExpert of the Center for Pedagogical Measurements of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
David Redekopp
David RedekoppPhD, President at Life-Role Development Group Limited (Canada)
Askarbek Kussainov
Askarbek KussainovDoctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Kazakhstan)
Marian Mahat
Marian MahatPhD, Associate Professor of the University of Melbourne (Australia)
Ayagul Mirazova
Ayagul MirazovaHero of Labour of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Excellent Worker of Public Education, “Y. Altynsarin” badge holder, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Sabyrzhan Saduakasov
Sabyrzhan SaduakasovDeputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" (Kazakhstan)
Oleg Tyo
Oleg TyoTeacher of world history at the International School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Kyzzhibek Abdramanova
Kyzzhibek AbdramanovaSenior manager of the Center of Excellence of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Todd Kettler
Todd KettlerPhD, Associate Professor at Baylor University, Director of the Creativity and Innovation research lab (USA)
Tim Spitsberg
Tim SpitsbergResearch assistant in the Creativity and Innovation lab at Baylor University (USA)
Beatrice Ruiz
Beatrice RuizResearch assistant in the Creativity and Innovation lab at Baylor University (USA)
Tai Mei Kin
Tai Mei KinPhD, Associate professor at Taylor’s University (Malaysia)
Vilmos Vass
Vilmos VassPhD, Associate Professor of the Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary)
Danah Henriksen
Danah HenriksenAssociate Professor at Arizona State University (USA)
Lauren J. Woo
Lauren J. WooPhD student at Arizona State University (USA)
Robert D. Sim
Robert D. SimEducation expert (Scotland)
Russell Hogarth
Russell HogarthCreative Communities Group Chair, University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Karlygash Kuneva
Karlygash KunevaSenior manager of the Center for Pedagogical Measurements of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Peter Charles Sinclair Taylor
Peter Charles Sinclair TaylorPhD, Director of International Transformative Education & Research Network, Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University (Australia)
Elisabeth Taylor
Elisabeth TaylorPhD, Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University (Australia)
Igrar Nazarov
Igrar NazarovPhD, STEAM Azerbaijan project manager (Azerbaijan)
Ulrika Sultan
Ulrika SultanUniversity lecturer in science and technology education, Örebro University (Sweden)
Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt
Debrah C. Sickler-VoigtPhD, Professor of Art Education (USA)
Ordenbek Mazbayev
Ordenbek MazbayevDoctor of Geography, professor, chief researcher of the Institute of secondary education content at NAE named after Y. Altynsarin (Kazakhstan)
Yernar Akkissev
Yernar AkkissevPrincipal of the Quantum STEM School (Kazakhstan)
Dinara Sagadatova
Dinara SagadatovaHead of the Department of Natural Sciences at Quantum STEM School (Kazakhstan)
Assel Beisembinova
Assel BeisembinovaPrincipal of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Astana (Kazakhstan)
Raigul Kaiyrkenova
Raigul KaiyrkenovaVice-Principal for scientific and methodological work of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Astana (Kazakhstan)
Oistein Kristiansen
Oistein KristiansenArtist-cartoonist, designer (Norway)
Graham Ranger
Graham RangerPhD, International Advisor, Council of International Schools (Netherlands)
Kaiyrbek Buksukbayev
Kaiyrbek BuksukbayevPrincipal of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Aktobe (Kazakhstan)
Daniyar Toktarbayev
Daniyar ToktarbayevDirector of the PF “Fund for Sustainable Development of Education” (Kazakhstan)
Victoria Charbonneau
Victoria CharbonneauCo-founder of the “Kamkor Zhurek” Fund, a family centre in Taraz (Kazakhstan)
Elizabeth Turnock
Elizabeth TurnockCo-founder of the “Kamkor Zhurek” Fund, a family centre in Taraz (Kazakhstan)
Gulnar Suleymenova
Gulnar SuleymenovaTeacher-expert of Russian language and literature at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of physics and mathematics in Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Indira Khasanova
Indira KhasanovaTeacher-expert of Russian language and literature at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of physics and mathematics in Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Zhanbota Abdrakhmanova
Zhanbota AbdrakhmanovaEducator-psychologist at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Wendy Díaz Pérez
Wendy Díaz PérezPhD, Director of the Center for Teaching and Innovation, Center for Economic Administrative Sciences, University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
David Ng Foo Seong
David Ng Foo SeongAssociate Dean of Academic Quality, Associate Professor, National Institute of Education (Singapore)
Gillian Judson
Gillian JudsonPhD, Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Manar Adamova
Manar AdamovaDirector of the Department of Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education (Kazakhstan)
Taeyeon Kim
Taeyeon KimAssistant professor, Department of Educational Administration, University of Nebraska Lincoln (USA)
Nicholas Sun-Keung Pang
Nicholas Sun-Keung PangPhD, GaoFeng Chair Professor, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University (China)
Larisa Obydenkina
Larisa ObydenkinaCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, director of the branch of the Center of Excellence in Uralsk (Kazakhstan)
Kairat Mukashev
Kairat MukashevPrincipal of school-lyceum № 62 in Astana (Kazakhstan)
Balsara Basanova
Balsara BasanovaTeacher of informatics at the school-lyceum named after Abay, Kostanay region (Kazakhstan)
Akpatsha Azamatova
Akpatsha AzamatovaEducator-psychologist at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Arthur L. Costa
Arthur L. CostaEdD, emeritus professor of education at California State University, co-founder and co-director of the Institute for Habits of Mind (USA)
Bena Kallick
Bena KallickPhD, co-founder and co-director of the Institute for Habits of Mind (USA)
Karimzoda Shavkat Karim
Karimzoda Shavkat KarimCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the branch of the Republican Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers in Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
Sanna Ruhalahti
Sanna RuhalahtiPhD, Principal lecturer at Applied Research Centre, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Jiri Balcar
Jiri BalcarPhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava and the Department of Sociology, Ostrava University (Czech Republic)
Rauan Bermagambet
Rauan BermagambetDirector of the Research Department of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, Member of the Kazakhstan Educational Research Association (KERA), Co-developer of the educational programme AEO “NIS” – NIS-Programme (Kazakhstan)
Almagul Kultumanova
Almagul KultumanovaMinistry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Aizhan Aryn
Aizhan ArynPhD, Director of the Institute for educational development, Almaty Management University (Kazakhstan)
Yelena Marchenko
Yelena MarchenkoSenior manager of the Center of Excellence branch in Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan)
Orazali Tasbulatov
Orazali TasbulatovTeacher of physical education at secondary school № 163, Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Baurzhan Tulenov
Baurzhan TulenovPrincipal of Alikhan Bokeikhan Binom School-lyceum (Kazakhstan)
Ainur Suendykova
Ainur SuendykovaDeputy Principal for Educational Work of Alikhan Bokeikhan Binom School-lyceum (Kazakhstan)
Galina Drozhenko
Galina DrozhenkoDeputy director for educational work at Vocational and technical college named after K. Donenbaeva (Kazakhstan)
Galiya Sultanova
Galiya SultanovaTeacher of economic disciplines at Kostanay higher pedagogical college (Kazakhstan)
Catherine Carol Lewis
Catherine Carol LewisPhD, Distinguished research scientist, Mills College at Northeastern University, Oakland, CA (USA)
Tetsuo Kuramoto
Tetsuo KuramotoPhD, professor, Shizuoka University of Art & Culture (Japan)
Shirley Tan
Shirley TanPhD, Research Fellow at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands and International Center for Lesson Studies, Nagoya University, Japan
Hasnah Abdullah
Hasnah Abdullah PhD, certified coach at Raja Melewar Campus Teacher Education Institute (Malaysia)
Manoriza Abdul Malek
Manoriza Abdul Malek Lecturer at Raja Melewar Campus Teacher Education Institute (Malaysia)
Sarah Seleznyov
Sarah SeleznyovPhD student at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Strategic Lead for Learning and Development at Big Education (United Kingdom)
Christine Kim-Eng Lee
Christine Kim-Eng LeeEmeritus Associate Professor with the Policy, Curriculum and Leadership Group National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Kondwani Daniel Vwalika
Kondwani Daniel VwalikaLesson Study coordinator at Nalikule College of Education (Malawi)
Gulbarchyn Samakova
Gulbarchyn SamakovaDeputy director for educational affairs of the “Akylman” Presidential School (Kyrgyzstan)
Miroslav Curcic
Miroslav CurcicPhD, English teacher at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Turkistan (Kazakhstan)
Laura Baitokayeva
Laura BaitokayevaVice-principal for scientific and methodological affairs at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Turkistan (Kazakhstan)
Askhat Tazhibayev
Askhat TazhibayevVice-principal for external affairs at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Turkistan (Kazakhstan)
Alfiya Bissengaliyeva
Alfiya BissengaliyevaEnglish teacher at D. Konayev BINOM school lyceum (Kazakhstan)
Parvina Gadimova Mahir
Parvina Gadimova MahirPrimary school teacher at Baku European Lyceum (Azerbaijan)
Eric C. K. Cheng
Eric C. K. ChengPhD, vice-president of the Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (Hong Kong)
Enlik Gaziz
Enlik GazizTeacher of Kazakh language and literature of the International School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Gulnur Kubasheva
Gulnur KubashevaScience teacher of the International School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Viktoriya Mashkina
Viktoriya MashkinaTeacher of Russian language and literature of the International School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Mereke Mergalimova
Mereke MergalimovaSEN coordinator of the International School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Saliya Sakenova
Saliya SakenovaSocial studies teacher of the International School of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Aigul Tolegenova
Aigul TolegenovaSenior manager of the Centre for Educational Programmes of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Tamara Jumabayeva
Tamara JumabayevaEnglish teacher at Quantum STEM School (Kazakhstan)
Douglas K. Hartman
Douglas K. HartmanPhD, professor, Michigan State University (USA)
Poppy Gibson
Poppy GibsonPhD, Lecturer in Education Open University (United Kingdom)
Sue Roffey
Sue RoffeyPhD, Honorary Associate Professor at University College London, Director of Growing Great Schools Worldwide (United Kingdom)
Thomas Falkenberg
Thomas FalkenbergPhD, professor Faculty of Education University of Manitoba (Canada)
Julia Mori
Julia MoriPD Dr. phil., Advanced Postdoc and lecturer at the Department of Research in School and Instruction, Institute of Educational Science, University of Bern. Project leader, SNF project “Well-being in School in Switzerland” (Switzerland)
Arstan Satanov
Arstan SatanovPhD, leading researcher at NAO “National Scientific and Practical Institute of Child Welfare “Orken” (Kazakhstan)
Gulnara Abisheva
Gulnara AbishevaAdvisor to the president at NAO “National Scientific and Practical Institute of Child Welfare “Orken” (Kazakhstan)
Farida Kadirova
Farida KadirovaChief specialist of the educational and methodological department of the international public foundation “Bilim-Innovation” (Kazakhstan)
Karlygash Inerbayeva
Karlygash InerbayevaHistory teacher of gymnasium № 5 of Astana Akimat (Kazakhstan)
Kamilla Omarova
Kamilla OmarovaManager of the Department of child wellbeing of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Nurdaulet Malikov
Nurdaulet MalikovSenior manager of the Research and data analysis department of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (Kazakhstan)
Diyara Antayeva
Diyara AntayevaClinical dietician-nutritionist (Kazakhstan)
Dinara Kusainova
Dinara KusainovaTeacher-psychologist at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Taldykorgan (Kazakhstan)
Asem Ospanova
Asem OspanovaTeacher-psychologist at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Taldykorgan (Kazakhstan)
Viktor Sossin
Viktor SossinPrincipal of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Taldykorgan (Kazakhstan)
Mars Ablezov
Mars AblezovPrincipal of school-lyceum Binom School named after A. Baitursynuly (Kazakhstan)
Didar Kairova
Didar KairovaDeputy principal of school-lyceum Binom School named after A. Baitursynuly on profile education (Kazakhstan)
Kira Sabanova
Kira SabanovaTeacher of informatics at the Abay general education school of Rudny city (Kazakhstan)
Halil Saifullin
Halil SaifullinBiology teacher of the “Gymnasium named after Kazybek Nurzhanov” in Karaganda (Kazakhstan)
Dinara Zakiyeva
Dinara ZakiyevaCommissioner for Children’s Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan