Журнал Центра педагогического мастерства

ISSUE № 4 (50)
Dear readers!
You are reading the 50th anniversary issue of the Pedagogical Dialogue journal.
In 2012, when defining the programme of the journal, the following objectives were formulated: to enable teachers to publish the results of their school research, to provide a platform for academic authorities, and to highlight modern challenges and trends in education along with the best pedagogical practices.
After 12 years, we can say that the stated programme is being successfully implemented. The journal has expanded its editorial board, the level of research publications is growing, and an official website has been created.
Our authors are well-known scholars in pedagogy and psychology, recognised international experts, specialists who participate in global educational projects, talented young researchers and practicing teachers with the results of prospective studies.
The editorial board is grateful to its authors for engaging topics, original hypotheses, relevant research methodologies and academic discussions, without which the development of education is impossible.
This issue of “Wellbeing at school: teaching children, learning from children” covers the following questions: how AI affects student and teacher wellbeing; what are the results of the Child Wellbeing Index study in Kazakhstan; what is subjective wellbeing and why school meals are essential; what are the features of the “Strong Family” comprehensive programme; how pedagogical research determines a teacher success and what is necessary to preserve their emotional wellbeing.

«Pedagogical dialogue»