2024 №4 / Students’ digital wellbeing: the impact of educational technology
Students’ digital wellbeing: the impact of educational technology
Authors: Kira Sabanova
DOI: 10.62670/2308-7668.2024.50.4.008
Source: Issue: vol. 50 No. 4: 5 January 2025
Publisher: PE "Center of Excellence"
Document type: Research article
The article deals with the problem of the influence of educational technologies on the psychoemotional state of schoolchildren in the context of digital wellbeing in computer science lessons. The results of the research conducted among 120 students of 7–9th grades, demonstrating the relationship between the use of various digital tools and the psychological comfort of students, are presented. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the effectiveness of introducing the system of “soft entry” into programming, organizing digital mentoring, and applying gamified elements.
The obtained data can be used by teachers to create a psychologically comfortable educational environment and improve the effectiveness of computer science education.
Key words: digital well-being, psycho-emotional state, educational technologies, digital anxiety, informatisation of education
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