2024 №4 / Have faith in every child

Have faith in every child

Authors: Halil Saifullin

DOI: 10.62670/2308-7668.2024.50.4.009

Source: Issue: vol. 50 No. 4: 5 January 2025

Publisher: PE "Center of Excellence"

Document type: Research article


The article focuses on the development of children’s cognitive needs and its impact on their learning and personal growth success. The author emphasises the importance of creating a personcentred environment where teachers and parents play a key role.
Research has shown that the expectation of success from students contributes to the improvement of their performance. In an experiment, a group of random students who were deemed capable by the teacher appeared to have a greater increase in ability than others after three years.
The author concludes with practical suggestions for teachers and parents.


Key words: cognitive needs, student’s self-esteem, personal growth


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