2024 №2 / HOW TO ACHIEVE THE BEST RESULTS. Experience of developing soft skills through PBL and theatrical performance

HOW TO ACHIEVE THE BEST RESULTS. Experience of developing soft skills through PBL and theatrical performance

Authors:  Tulenov, Baurzhan Suendykova, Ainur

DOI: 10.62670/2308-7668.2024.48.2.007

Source: Issue: vol. 48 No. 2: 28 June 2024

Publisher: PE "Center of Excellence"

Document type: Research article


The authors of the article discuss the system of project-oriented learning at Alikhan Bukeykhan Binom School-lyceum aimed at forming students’ soft skills. They also share their observations about the skills included in the content of the State compulsory education standard.
The focus is on the conditions necessary for the development of certain soft skills, as well as the implementation of a summative assessment project in the PBL format. One of the stages included an experiment among 7th and 9th grades, which resulted in high involvement of students in the implementation of the project and high involvement of the experimental classes.

Key words: project-oriented learning, SCES, research skills, summative assessment


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