2024 №4 / Investing in the future: succesful implementation of the “Strong Family” programme

Investing in the future: succesful implementation of the “Strong Family” programme

Authors: Dinara Kusainova, Asem Ospanova, Viktor Sossin

DOI: 10.62670/2308-7668.2024.50.4.006

Source: Issue: vol. 50 No. 4: 5 January 2025

Publisher: PE "Center of Excellence"

Document type: Practical article


This article presents a brief overview of the
implementation of the “Strong Family” programme at the NIS in Taldykorgan, highlighting specific points that are recommended to pay attention to during the preparation and organisation of classes. The article analyses the effectiveness of the programme implementation in the school based on qualitative and quantitative data. It also discusses the main changes in students’ behaviour and the development of their communication and prosocial skills, which are observed by the school team as a result of the programme implementation.


Key words: family relationships, family sessions, positive parenting skills


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