2024 №4 / Improving the intellectual well-being of students using Generative AI tools to customize texts for learning
Improving the intellectual well-being of students using Generative AI tools to customize texts for learning
Authors: Douglas K. Hartman
DOI: 10.62670/2308-7668.2024.50.4.001
Source: Issue: vol. 50 No. 4: 5 January 2025
Publisher: PE "Center of Excellence"
Document type: Practical article
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) offers hitherto unimagined possibilities for fostering student well-being. Yet, its potential remains underutilized – especially for cultivating intellectual well-being, which is a positive sense of self that comes from engaging authentically in the ethical, conceptual, and practical complexities of a topic [1]. How can GenAI help teachers provide personalized, timely, and aligned support for student intellectual well-being? This article explains and illustrates how teachers can use GenAI to transform textual material, enabling students of all skill levels to engage deeply with complex topics and foster their intellectual well-being.
Key words: Generative Artificial Intelligence, intellectual well-being, text customization
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